Two Simple Ways to Start Eating Healthy Right Now

Most people do want to be eating healthy, but it can be overwhelming. I have found that a lot of people kind of have the concepts, they just can’t implement it, or they don’t have the willpower to do it. Or they’re really ready to get started, but they don’t have the concept.

The number one thing that I get from people is that they’re afraid that it’s going to be this whole life upheaval and that everything’s going to change overnight and they’re just not going to be able to do that because it’s so foreign to them. It seems really overwhelming and an impossible task, which it can be.

It is learning something new and we all know that when we start learning something new, there’s a little bit of a learning curve. A lot of times that’s scary enough to just stall us out right away. We feel like there’s just no way we’re going to be able to learn it all and get where we want to get to in a reasonable amount of time and that’s just not at all true.

Usually, in the beginning, we are really gung-ho. We crave information and we really want to just make lots of changes because we’re excited to get going and that’s wonderful, but that’s usually a big mistake.

Check out my video to learn:

  • What the two simple changes are that you can make right now.
  • Some ideas to help deal with overwhelm.

  • Insight on how I work with my clients to make this a doable, life-sustaining lifestyle change.

  • The number one myth about working with a nutritionist!

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Photo Credit: Trang Doan