Tips for Keeping Produce Fresher Longer ~ Video

Hello Everyone! I recently went out of town for about a week and before I left, I bought some produce such as salad mix and avocados that we were not going to finish before we left. So, I did a little test to see how long I could make these produce items last. I’ve had this salad mix for over 2 weeks now at least. And I also FROZE my avocados. Yes, you can totally do it. Today I’m going to show you what I did to make produce last which will save you money, time and effort. All things we love to save on. So, check out my video and blog post where I will share with you some practical tips for keeping produce fresher longer!

Salad Mix Tips

This is what I did to make my salad mix last over 2 weeks. In my refrigerator, I keep the salad mix in my cooler drawer or crisper. I keep the setting on high humidity control, and I also use these BluApple produce savers in my fridge. Before I put the salad mix in my fridge, I open it up and put a dry paper towel on top of the lettuce. Now, every time that I take some of the salad out, I replace the damp paper towel with a fresh dry paper towel. When you take the old paper towel out you will see how wet it gets from collecting all of the excess moisture. Then, when your finished turn the mix upside down and put it back in your crisper or cooler drawer. All of these things work together to keep everything fresh and crisp like this salad mix for over 2 weeks!

Avocado Tips

You can freeze avocados and they will STILL look fresh, green and pretty! What I did for my avocados before I went out of town is, I cut it in half, and put it inside a freezer bag. I always have lemons and limes on hand, so you can also squeeze either of those on the avocado after you cut it before putting it in the freezer. Plus, that makes the avocado taste so much better! I’ve also frozen them before without lemons or limes and it worked just as well. So just pop them in a freezer bag, squeeze all of the air out of the bag (stick a straw in it, to really get the air out) and then you are good to go. To use the avocado, you’ll just let it defrost and use it as you normally would. Now you can have fresh avocados for over 2 weeks!

I hope these tips for keeping produce fresher longer help you to save money, time and to keep your fresh food, fresher longer so that you and your family can enjoy and eat them!

Check out my video and learn:

  • Quick, easy and practical tips to make your produce last longer.
  • The exact steps and items I use to make your produce last longer.

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