Top 4 Nutrition Questions…Answered

Today I’m going to answer the top four nutrition questions that I get asked the most. These are the questions that people have asked me over and over for years, and I would love to give you all some really simple answers.

#1-How Many Calories Should I Eat?

Question number one people ask me the most, is how many calories should I eat? There’s no way to know how many calories someone should eat without first doing a diet evaluation. However, if you will change the types of food that you’re eating and trade out the calorie-dense food for nutrient-dense food, you will naturally reduce calories. That will be a lot less stressful than trying to count everything.

So, what I mean by nutrient-dense, is food containing high amounts of vitamins and minerals. Foods like fruits, vegetables, healthy fats (like avocados), and lean meats. Calorie-dense foods are foods highly processed like cheeses, snack foods, crackers, pretzels, chips, desserts…. Those kinds of things are calorie dense and nutrient poor (not many vitamins and minerals). If you’ll swap those out for nutrient-dense foods – which are automatically lower in calories – you will naturally lose weight by default (given you keep your portions in check, which brings us to #2).

#2-Do I Need to Count Macros?

Question number two: Do I need to count macros?  First, what is a macro? Macro-nutrients are carbohydrates, fats, and  proteins. There are only three, and you need all three of them to survive. There are certain vitamins and minerals that are only fat soluble. So, if you’re not getting enough fat – you’re on fat-free diet – then you’re not going to absorbe essential vitamins and minerals (Vitamins A, D, E, and K).

If you’re on no carbohydrate or very low-carbohydrate diets, then you’re not going to get the enough fiber or the energy you need.

If you are not eating enough protein, then you’re not going to be able to get the amino acids, fat, and some B vitamins. Your muscles are going to suffer. You’re not going to be able to grow muscle mass, and your metabolism will dramatically slow down.

You need a good combination and the proper ratio of all three macro-nutrients. This will vary from person to person.  If you learn how to portion control for your body, personal meal timing, and the specific foods that are digestible for you, then your macro-nutrients will naturally be in the proper ratios without going insane or getting brain damage trying to figure out how many carbs, fats and proteins you’re supposed to eat at every meal. It will just become a natural process for your body.  If you need help figuring all this out, schedule a coaching call with me here: . I’m happy to help you!

#3-Can I Eat Out?

Number three, can I eat out, still lose weight and be healthy? People say to me, “I don’t have time to cook”, “I have to eat out for work”, “We just don’t have time to cook at home”, or “I don’t know how to cook.”

Everyone wants to know,  “How can I eat out and still lose weight? And is that possible?”

YES! It is totally possible! There are seasons in our lives when we are too busy and inevitably eat out every meal. It just happens. I try to focus on at least one meal at home. Breakfast.  Breakfast is generally the easiest meal to control, and the easiest one to do right. So, I say focus on breakfast and trying to get that one right at home.  Watch my YouTube videos and read my blog for some great tips and recipes for breakfast. And watch for my cookbook, How to Eat Pie Too!, coming out on Amazon this Spring. Breakfast doesn’t take much time, and you can prep the night before. If you need more help or specific suggestions for you and your family, I teach these skills in my Nutrition Programs.

Being able to eat out and lose weight is dependent on you having the skill and knowledge to visually know what your plate should look like, what your personal portions are, and learning the tools and the skills to order properly at each meal. Whether you’re on vacation or you’re just super busy and don’t have time to cook, you should be able to make your plate look right no matter where you are. In my Nutrition Programs, I teach and guide you step-by-step through this process so you can live a healthy lifestyle and reach your goals.

#4-How Much Should I Weigh?

Number four, how much should I weigh? This is very specific and individualized to each person, and a lot of things factor into this. It depends on your lifestyle and what your activity level is.

Some things to consider are:

Are you bodybuilding? Are you doing a triathlon? Do you play any sports? Are you a senior and your activity level is minimal – chasing your grand kids? Are you a stay-at-home mom with four little ones running around? Are you single? Are you injured, recovering from an illness, or handicapped? All of those things are possibilities to consider when deciding how much you should weigh.  It depends on what your lifestyle is. It depends on what your fitness level is, and it depends on what type of activities you’re doing.

Body weight will differ between a bodybuilder and a marathon runner, for example.  I take into consideration a person’s lifestyle, fitness level, goals, the type of activities they enjoy doing, and their body type when recommending a healthy weight. Some people are naturally going to carry more muscle than others.  Remember that muscle weighs more than fat. So, don’t give too much thought about the number on the scale if you are very lean.

I like to tell people, “you should weigh as little as possible and be able to live your lifestyle all while being healthy and getting all of the nutrients you need.” What I mean specifically by that is, if you are so underweight that you cannot run around the block, you can’t perform in your job, you can’t perform in your sport, you can’t perform in your life, then it’s too light for you. Also if you’re so underweight that you’re not getting the nutrients you need from your food, then you’re not eating enough. Brittle hair and nails, skin problems, gum disease, constipation or some kind of bowel issue, arthritis, bone fractures, muscles spasms and cramps are just some of the additional things that are going to be related to someone who may be malnourished and underweight.

The opposite is also true. If you’re not performing well in your sport and in your life because you weigh too much. The lighter you are, the better you’re going to move, the longer you’re going to live, and the less stress it is on your joints and on your heart.

I hope this is a good start for you, but if you need specific one-on-one help and guidance, schedule a coaching call with me here: . We can specifically figure out your personal needs: calories, macros, meal timing, portions, etc..

Check out my video:

  • Answers to the top 4 nutrition questions I’m asked about the most.
  • Tips and what to do if you want more information on any of these 4 areas.

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