Immune-Boosting and Anti-Inflammatory Smoothie

Whether it’s flu season, allergy season, or you’re just in the mood for a refreshing drink, an immune-boosting smoothie is always a good idea. By snacking on something as easy and convenient as a smoothie, you can get in antioxidants and vitamins that will kick-start your immune system into gear.

Immunity boosting citrus fruits like limes and oranges are known to be high in Vitamin C, and they taste delicious in a smoothie. Vitamin C increases the production of white blood cells, which are key to fighting infections.

I also like to add ginger to my smoothies. Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties, which might help explain its beneficial effects on muscle pain and soothing sore throats.

Watch my video below to see what other ingredients I add to fight soreness while boosting my immunity.

Get ready to learn:

  • Ingredients that will boost your immunity
  • Ingredients that will aid your body in recovering after a workout

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